promoted by the CAA/SMCI supporters! All the CDC does with its "CFS"
budget is hurt M.E. patients; why should any patient use her precious energy to
help the CDC?
Did you notice all this hullabaloo
is happening just before SEVERE ME DAY? Maybe the govt doesn't want people to
know what severe ME looks like. Maybe they are afraid the public might become
more interested in helping ME patients if they see the very sickest. Maybe they
are just afraid the people who are really sick with ME and can't leave their
beds may become known, as compared to the CAA/SMCI people who have
"CFS" and can still work full time and engage in an active social
life--and sometimes starve themselves as a protest or jump out of an airplane
for publicity.
Great! I got a message from Co-Cure
with the same "save the CDC's budget" message that was on Spotila's
and Verillo's blogs. It says it's by Cort and Courtney and Robert Miller. So
this is a coordinated campaign to get any patient they can to jump on their
wagon and contact their Congressmen and Senators in favor of the CDC. This
seems just ridiculous to me. They are getting patients to spend their precious
energy to help the CDC when the CDC only spends money to hurt patients! Why
would any patient do this?
Oh--and Hillary Johnson thinks we
should send a thank you note to the Senate for wanting to cut CDCs M.E. money.
Hillary Johnson @oslersweb Aug 5
Hey guys, write a thank you note and
send congrats to Senate for wanting to cut CDC's M.E. money. My dream of 29
You are welcome to share this
message if you like.
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